Joanna & Kelly

Joanna & Kelly
Not So Desperate Housewives

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to start couponing as a beginner...

So, I haven't posted in here in several months. My apologies :)

I have found a few ways to save a little cash and I wanted to share this new information with a few of you who may not already know that it exists!

First, have you watched TLC"s "Extreme Couponing?" If you haven't, you really should because you can learn things on there that can save you a million bucks. Okay, so  maybe not a million at once, but over time money piles up. I'm definitely a couponer by nature, but extreme? Well, that's what I aspire to be...

I found a website today called "The Krazy Coupon Lady" where you can find all sorts of cool stuff. Not only can you learn to become an extreme couponer, too, but you can find links to freebies, giveaways, other places to find coupons, and so much more there. 

When you get there, click "Freebies" at the top of the page and scroll down to see what you can find. A lot of offers are through mail, and others through email (where a printer is really handy, and I don't have one...yet...). You can send off for more coupons via snail mail, though, if you're like me and don't have a printer. 

Under "Freebies", if you look to the right side of your screen, there are advertisements and links for other cool sites like Free Flys. Free Flys was very helpful to me. I found all sorts of freebies and offers for things that won't cost me a nickel, including some fabric softener samples (and samples are awesome, even if they're just one use apiece), shampoo samples, drink samples, coffee samples and more coupons! 

If you don't have a facebook account, I would suggest that you get one. Reason being, some of the offers required you to sign up for your free samples through liking a page on facebook. That's harmless, right? Right. So, do what Free Flys says and like the page and do what the page says to get your free sample already. 

As an added bonus, The Krazy Coupon Lady site has directions in steps for beginners to get their coupon collections organized, how to organize your shopping trips, easy ways to save a buck, and gives you the skinny on which stores have what deals when. 

Personally, as I am a novice (apparently), I have my own coupon organization system. I organize in three categories and several different subcategories under each category.

Here's how it works:

1.) Buy a small photo album, or "brag book" that has sleeves that open for pictures to just slide in there.
2.) Buy some labels so that you can label each slot.
3.) Gather all your coupons.
4.) Organize them into the following categories: Edible, Health and Beauty, Cleaning supplies.
5.) Edible coupons should go into the following subcategories: drinks, snacks, meats and specials, boxed dinners, sandwich fixins, cereals and breakfasts, noodles, cans and sauces, frozen.
6.) Health and Beauty should go into the following subcategories: makeup, shampoos and conditioners, deodarants, oral hygiene, soaps and body washes, styling products, feminine products, razors and shaving, and whatever else you want in there :)
7.) For Cleaning and Household supplies, I do it like this: paper products, all purpose cleaners, laundry detergents and fabric softeners, bleach products, bathroom cleaners, kitchen cleaners, trash bags, and etc...
8.) Once you're all organized into stacks, organize your photo album into three categories, then label your categories and subcategories with the sticker labels. Then, put your coupons in there.

Make sure you purge your coupons about once a week to get the expired ones out of there. Then start organizing your shopping by coupons. Don't buy things you don't need just because you have a coupon though. That doesn't save a thing...

Well, hopefully I'll have more couponing links to share with you guys soon. Until then, ta ta and happy clipping :)